I Am In Agony!!

I spoke to the doctors office today about my moles that were biopsied 2 weeks ago.  The results came back and it does not look good.  Unfortunately, you all will have to continue to put up with me.  There was nothing wrong with them.  They were “normal” moles. 

I was not really concerned about them.  I knew they would return fine.  My wife on the other hand was concerned about them, which is why I went in the first place.  Now that I have told her the results she can be at rest with the fact that I am OK. 

I have now on my back 2 dried up and scabby scabs on my back.  I’ve mentioned once before that I am a scab picker.  What is really getting to me is that I have these two great scabs that I can hardly reach to pick.  I can feel them.  I can tell that they are ripe and ready and perfect for picking.  They are itching me something fierce.  I am resorting to rubbing my back up against chairs and corners of the wall. I JUST CAN’T REACH THE DAMN THINGS!!!!!  It is driving me crazy.  I can’t get my arms to bend around that way to get to them.  This is so frustrating. 

All I want is to pick some scabs. 

4 comments so far

  1. lifelemons on

    HAHA! Glad to hear your moles were okay, sucks you have the scabs to deal with though!

  2. Red on

    Awww … you can’t pick your scabbies .. Poor boy. Get a pencil!

    But umm . .congrats that they were ‘normal’.

  3. teeni on

    See? This is what I meant by how your blog is a good read except when you’re being gross. This is gross. 😉 (It won’t stop me from reading though! LOL)

    Glad to hear your moles are okay and the only bad news is that we will still have your posts to read.

  4. GoingLikeSixty on

    Good post. The cool thing about scabs? If you pick them til they bleed, they scab over again! Kewl.

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