I’m A Scab Picker – I’ll Admit It

I injured myself a few weeks back while at a baseball game with the family and while I am feeling much better I still have one big giant scab on my knee that just will not go away.  I is probably because of the fact that I have this terrible habit of constantly picking at it.  I think that if it was not summer I would probably leave it alone.  In cooler weather I would be wearing pants instead of shorts, therefore the scab on the legs would not me easily accessable.  But every day I’ll be sitting at home in-front of the TV and without even realizing it I will find myself picking at my knee.  I don’t know why I pick, I just do.  Sometimes it hurts.  Sometimes it bleeds.  But I will, once I start, keep picking until it is completely off, only to start all over again the next day.  Overall in the grand scheme of things, picking scabs is not as bad of a habit as, say, serial killings, wife beating, or nose picking.  It’s just one of those weird little compulsions I have.

I seem to be writing a lot about my quirky little compulsions lately.  It is almost like I have a compulsion about compulsions. 

I better quit while I am ahead before I lose my 3 loyal readers.

3 comments so far

  1. lifelemons on

    This is another thing we have in common, I am a picker, drives my husband nuts!

  2. rosiebell on

    Me too! How can you NOT be a picker? I just don’t get how people can let some funky, ugly, scaly, bumpy, oddly colored mass grow on their body and itch to high heaven and not want to pick.

    The scars on my knees and elbows prove it.

  3. Red on

    You just gained another reader.

    I’m not a picker.

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