Archive for the ‘hobby’ Category

Aeorgarden III

I have talked about the Aerogarden that I received as a Christmas present in the past and talked about how great and successful the lettuce growing experience was.  I also talked about switching to and trying their herbsand I have to say that I like how well the herbs grew.  I have a lot of mint and basil and parsley.  The chives and cilantro did not survive the cat. 

I have nice full green herbs but I do have to comment that they are not very flavorful.  In fact, I found the dill, basil and parsley to be rather bland.  I was disappointed because of how lush and bright the leaves and plants appear. 

I have also found the herbs to be very thirsty.  They sure do suck down the water but they grow quickly and within a few weeks you can start using the herbs. 

I am going to pull out the herbs and move on to the next experiment of tomatoes.  I have a pack of them that I am anxious to begin.  I am hoping that they are as flavorful as the lettuce was. 

All in all, I do have to say that the Aerogarden is a good investment.

Alarm Clock

I have a new hobby.  It is something that I do when I travel that always amuses me.  To many, it will seem odd and dumb but I laugh everytime I do it. 

When I stay in hotels, I will set the alarm clock at 3 AM on the morning I check out so that the very next morning the alarm will go off, hopefully on an unsuspecting newcomer to the room.   

I laugh every time I do this.  I know, I know.  Very childish right?  But I get great enjoyment thinking about the next person that sleeps in that room and suddenly gets the sudden jolt to their deep sleep as the alarm goes off.

Or better yet, the room remains empty but there are people in the next room that has to hear it go off all night long. 

I don’t know why but it really cracks me up.

Random Facts About Me – meme

I was tagged by Teeni over at the Vaguetarian Tea Room with a meme that calls for 7 random facts about me.  The rules are;

# Link to the person who tagged you
# Post the rules on your blog.

# Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
# Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
# Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.

1.  I hate wearing flip flops or sandals.  It is not because I think I have ugly feet, quite the contrary, I have great looking feet for a guy, I just think flip flops and sandals are just very fem!

2.  I like to garden.  I like to plant and grow flowers, vegetables, houseplants, etc.

3.  I used to be big into the drug scene.  I’ve tried a lot of stuff at least once.  One day I came to the realization that I had to grow up and stop.  There was not a major incident that made me need to stop, I just literally work up and day and decided that recreational drugs should be used for recreation and not on a daily basis.

4.  I enjoy cooking.  Other people enjoy my cooking.  When friends and family hear I am cooking steaks and such I get people stopping by.  I have had people request the recipes for my chicken and steak marinades, my beef stew and chili recipes.  I don’t give them out of course but I do have to say that it is flattering that people love my cooking.

5.  I would rather snack on carrots and celery than chips and pretzels

6.  I have a kayak.  I would rather be out on the water in my kayak than sitting on a beach or swimming on a lake.  There is something peaceful about just chilling out, alone, in the middle of a bay, lake or ocean.

7.  I have really hard times trying to come up with 7 random facts for these Meme’s.  It takes me days to try to come up with stuff when I get tagged.  

So there you have it. 

So I am going to tag

Eric – What Else Can I Say? 

Heddy – Life After Lemons

Kara – Here We Go Again

 I tagged these three because I don’t know anyone else enough to tag them but if you read this and want to do it on your own, go for it.!

The AeroGarden Garden

While out Christmas shopping, my wife and I found the AeroGarden.  I found it interesting and wondered about it.  I asked around if anyone had any experience with it and no one in my circle of friends had.  I didn’t think much about it after that.

Then, on Christmas morning, I opened up a box to find that I was now the owner of the AeroGarden.  I found that it was easy to set up and put together.  The kit had come with Cherry Tomatoes, Lettuce and Herbs.  I decided that I would start with the lettuce.  I mean, c’mon, how can you screw up lettuce.

Within two days of placing the cups in their little holders sprouts started to appear.  I was on my way to my first batch of lettuce and soon, about 2 weeks later, my first salad.

The taste and flavor of the lettuce was refreshing.  I was pleasantly pleased how much lettuce was produced and how well it tasted.  I have pinched off three meals worth of lettuce so far from my AeroGarden and have at least one more to pick.  I am not sure how much longer the lettuce will continue to grow but I do know that I am happy with this product.

I am thinking that next I will try the herbs and see how they do.

Has anyone here tried the Aerogarden?  What have your experiences been like?