Archive for the ‘game’ Category

Alarm Clock

I have a new hobby.  It is something that I do when I travel that always amuses me.  To many, it will seem odd and dumb but I laugh everytime I do it. 

When I stay in hotels, I will set the alarm clock at 3 AM on the morning I check out so that the very next morning the alarm will go off, hopefully on an unsuspecting newcomer to the room.   

I laugh every time I do this.  I know, I know.  Very childish right?  But I get great enjoyment thinking about the next person that sleeps in that room and suddenly gets the sudden jolt to their deep sleep as the alarm goes off.

Or better yet, the room remains empty but there are people in the next room that has to hear it go off all night long. 

I don’t know why but it really cracks me up.

Philadelphia Soul – We’re Lucky Dogs

The Philadelphia Soul is an AFL Football team, for those that may not know.  I am a season ticket holder.  I have been now for a few years.  My wife and I go and have a great time.  We don’t get many dates out together much and this is one thing we both look forward to.

So we went to yesterday’s game and while in the main concourse we were stopped by a gentleman asking if we would be interested in “upgrading” our tickets.  I was skeptical at first, one because it seemed like an odd question and two, I really like where my season tickets are located.

The guy started to explain that we would be sitting down behind the end zone.  Again, I was reluctant because I have sat in end zone sections and I am not a big fan watching the game from those end zone seats because of the net and uprights that can be in your line of sight.  Then as the guy went through his explanation, I started to put two and two together and realized, before he even said the words, that he was talking about the two recliner seats that are part of the Aarons Lucky Dog seats that are in the end zone, below the uprights and the netting.  These seats are almost like sitting on the field. 

Of course my wife and I said yes and before the game started we were led down under the Wachovia Center and guided to the seats.  We then were introduced to Melissa (one of the game hosts) and briefed as to what will happen when she speaks to us and we are presented to the crowd.  My wife was nervous.  She is not someone that enjoys all eyes on her.  After our promo appearance we were able to relax and enjoy the game. 

I have to say that I always wondered what one had to do to win those seats and now I know that it is totally random and being lucky.  What a great way to watch a game. 

From those seats we saw tons of action, got close to the players and action on the field.  At the end of the game, for the last 3 minutes of the game, Soulman (the team mascot) sat with us and cheered on the Soul as the won their 5 game in a row this season. 

Rewatching the game (I DVR’d it) and putting it in perspective, it was not a very interesting game, it was a rather dull game.  Many penalties by both teams, Moten and Mance did not play well defensively for the Soul, in my opinion, and on field action was rather tame.  But being down there in those seats made it one of the best games I have ever attended. 

Thanks to the Soul for such a great promotion and giving to average fans the best seats in the house. 

I was wrong – Super Bowl

I was wrong.  I can admit to being wrong.  I am man enough to cowboy up when I am wrong.

As I reported before, just a few days ago, I was not into watching this years Super Bowl.  I really did not have much at stake nor did I have a team that I really wanted to win.  I said that I was uninterested in the game and that it would be boring.  But as the game played on it was becoming more and more clear that the Giants just might have a legitimate chance to pull a win. 

The Giants first possession almost told the tale of how the game was going to play out.  By taking nearly half of the first quarter time off the clock, the Giants offense showed that they can control the Patriots defense. 

Fast forward to the fourth quarter and the Giants are still within striking distance of a win and an upset, the final drive of the Giants had me out of the kitchen and sitting on the floor in front of the TV.  It was one of the most exciting finishes to a Super Bowl in a long time.  Congrats to the Giants on their win.

Super Bowl

Why can I not get into the Super Bowl this year?  In past years, I would be excited and pumped up, looking forward to partying and getting into betting pools, but this year I can not psych myself up for it.  I am going to a party but I have not put any money into any pools.  By this time, I am usually about $200 deep into the pools.  Not this year. 

Is it because one of the teams is the Giants?  Being from Philly, the Giants are a division rival and we hate the Giants.  But I would like to see the Giants beat the Patriots because they are going in as the underdog.  I don’t like the Pats either and I do hope the Giants beat them.   The Pats are going into this as the favorite and this is the last game of what would/could be a “perfect” season.  Of course there are some that will see this season marked with an astrisk (*) due to the filmgate scandle from earlier this year. 

The reality of it all is that I am totally uninterested in it at all.  Around friends and coworkers I am playing it cool and making like I am into everything Super Bowl but the reality is I would rather not bother. 

Where usually I would be plopped in front of the TV, in the best seat I could find, at a party, at a friends, not moving except to use the bathroom (there are others that will gladly bring the beer and food to me like my wife and kids), yelling at the TV and laughing at the commercials, I will probably be found in the kitchen or den, where the food is, and socializing with all the other uninterested Super Bowl watchers and party guests.  This group mostly consists of women and the geeks.  The geeks are usually the husbands that have no idea about the game of football, or any other sport for that matter, and they are just there trying to fit in or because the wife dragged them along.  At the very least I will probably pick up a good cooking tip or recipie from the ladies and learn how to better manage my 401k from one of the geeks. 

On the brightside, I don’t see waking from a hangover and missing a day of work this year.    

The Name Game Meme

Tenni over at Vaguetarian Tea Room tagged me with a meme and being the good sport that I am I will play along. 

These are the “official” rules (I cut and pasted):

  1. Players must list one fact, word, or tidbit that is somehow relevant to their life for each letter of your first or middle name.
  2. When you are tagged you need to write your own post containing your first or middle name game facts, word, or tidbit.
  3. At the end of your post choose one person for each letter of your name to tag.
  4. Don’t forget to leave a comment telling them that they have been tagged, and to read your blog.
  5. If I’ve tagged YOU (see below), please join in on the fun!

Okay – here’s my info: (Thankfully Teeni called me Mark which is a lot shorter and easier to do than Idle Ramblings of a Slightly Mad Man which would take people 3 weeks to read through if I had to use that)

M – Manly.  Red did give me a manly man award. 

A – Alert.  I have always walked into places and the first thig I do is look for exit routes, check out people and get a sense about them, etc…  It is a compulsion I have.  I will walk into a mall and look around thinking if someone pulled a gun or a bomb or there was a fire where would I go with the family that is safe? 

R – Realistic.  I am a realist.  I think that some folks have a misguided sense of reality.  I am not one of them.  I see things for what they are. 

K – Kind.  I really am.  I am a very simple and kind person until you get me fired up about something and then watch out!  I will ramble on about it!

Now who I have tagged



